Wedge Networks upgrades its Deep Content Inspection network gateway to monitor social media and Web application traffic for security risks.
By Kevin Casey InformationWeek
June 22, 2011 01:53 PM
If humans are the weakest link in online security, then social media is a potential nightmare for small and midsize business networks. So many links to click, from so many “trusted” sources–so little time before socially-borne threats are taking root inside the company like toxic weeds.
So what’s the security-minded SMB owner or IT pro to do? You could block access entirely, but where do you start? It’s not just a Facebook problem, although one of the world’s most-visited sites is certainly a place to start. What about the countless other Web applications that enable user-created content, collaboration, communication, and the like? These days, it seems you’d need to shut off Internet access altogether.
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