November 20, 2014 – R. Scott Raynovich, The Rayno Report
“Wedge has a unique business model. Rather than being sold as a separate security appliance or even software package, Wedge works with service providers to set up a security cloud service, and then takes a cut of the revenue that the operator generates from selling cloud security services. The target customer is Small and Medium Businesses (SMBs), who don’t want to hassle with installing their own security software or services.
Wedge does this by running the security services as Network Function Virtualization (NFV) on standard server hardware, hosted on a service provider’s networks. By running as a cloud service, the customers can order anti-malware, anti-spam, parental control, and other services controllers by calling the service provider, which can instantly provision the service.”
For the full article, please visit raynoreport.com.