December 3, 2014 – Bill Boyle – Datacenter Dynamics
“It is one thing to establish security across a single provider network, but to maintain consistent security as the signal passes into and across different networks is a major challenge.
The power of the carrier ethernet has been its flexibility to carry an required service, and this is possible because there are so many variables that can be set. But this is also why it has been so difficult to align services, and why e-Access has become so important in establishing a basic global standard for faster connection to access networks.
The most promising solution to this orchestration challenge has been proposed by Wedge Networks. It is to adopt the SDN principle and consider the traffic flow as a virtual network, rather than a string of hardware elements, and so define a distinct “security layer” to orchestrate Security as a Service.
Th analogy with the Wedge approach is this: rather than trying to address the security at that bottom level, you can virtualize the data flow to a level where it can be better managed as a service. There is a double advantage to this approach: as well as being able to orchestrate a personalized service across multiple network segments, it also enables very high levels of security and protection by creating the equivalent of an organism’s immune system – with built-in automated security functions for all traffic flows.” For the full article, please visit Datacenterdynamics.com.